Thirty-one Days


When a prowler with a pistol confronts a naked woman in the shower, even a spoiled heiress has to listen. Gabriela DiMarco—B-movie actress, party girl tabloid staple—wakes up after a boozy, druggie night to discover her worst nightmare.


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When a prowler with a pistol confronts a naked woman in the shower, even a spoiled heiress has to listen. Gabriela DiMarco—B-movie actress, party girl tabloid staple—wakes up after a boozy, druggie night to discover her worst nightmare.

The Pacific Ocean is vast… 62.5 million square miles, to be exact. Gabriela soon finds herself on a 43-foot prison over the horizon from everything she knows. Even military satellites are useless to potential rescuers. She is in the middle of nowhere with a man with no name and few words. She is clueless where they are headed. Why? Nothing fits. There’s nowhere to run, and this time, she can’t call her mob boss stepfather, Lorenzo, to bail her out.

When her feminine wiles fail, she switches tactics and becomes the prisoner from hell. Survival is key, and her only weapon is grit. She has met her match, however, in this tyrannical captor, and neither one is ready to back down. But nature intervenes. The only way to survive a Category 4 typhoon with its 60-foot waves, is teamwork. The two headstrong adversaries must choose whether to sink or sail.

Thirty-One Days is a double-edged story that thrills, mystifies and surprises. It is a timely tale that will touch your soul in unexpected ways.