Private Practice / Psychotherapy

Best Practices

In Brief

Professionals take 100% responsibility for their actions and their work.


Schedule “everything.”


“Dress for success.” ~ Executive recruiters


Invest in a great website.


When in doubt, refer.


In Brief

Healthy professional boundaries require clear internal boundaries.


“A lack of boundaries invites lack of respect.” ~ Anonymous


“You get what you tolerate.” ~ F. Cloud


Offering to be available by phone creates a 24/7 therapist.


Therapist: “Okay, I’ll see you next week. If you need to contact me, here is my email address.”


In Brief

While realistic expectations can be helpful, expectations can also be premeditated resentments.


Agenda-setting (collaborative): “Allows therapist and client to be on the same page and generates alternatives.”


“There are two ways to be happy, improve your reality or lower your expectations.” ~ J. Picoult


“Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.” ~ B. Sanderson

Employee / Employer


“You’re firing me?”


“No, you fired yourself.” ~ M. Hefty


In Brief

Respect your worth: “My fee is…


“You don’t get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour.” ~ J. Rohn


Create a structured fee schedule and stick with it.


Telephone call intrusion: “I need to put on my therapist hat now.” = “The meter is running.”

Client / Therapist


“You’re just in this for the money.”


“My caring is always free. My time isn’t.”


In Brief

Network assiduously. Social proof/testimonials. Availability (online, evenings, weekends) Accept marginal insurance. Group therapy.


“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t so you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” ~ Anonymous


“The best marketing strategy ever: CARE.” ~ G. Vaynerchuk


It’s always about networking: Chamber of Commerce, Charities, City Council Meetings, PTA…as well as social media.


Successful professionals ask for referrals: Your doctor, your yoga instructor, your hairdresser…or barber.


Find a niche. Be a resource.


Reciprocal relationships: Introduce yourself to a different professional in your area every week. Then follow up.

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